P for Phoebe.

Hi, I’m Phoebe Duffy – a copywriter and marketeer based in Nottingham. I make words work harder, and brands sound better with copy that’s clear, coherent and compelling.

I write features, scripts, campaigns, website content, blogs, newsletters, social posts, tone of voice, brand decks – you name it. Or I can help you name it. Hell, I'll even write your Christmas cards if you pay me enough.

I specialise in hitting that sweet spot between what an audience needs to hear, and what a brand has to say – then finding the right tone to say it. I’m all about creative copy with clarity, for brands of all sizes.

I’ve written on high fashion, finance, beauty and even fine art. (I’ve also written on care homes, pest control, and software I don’t actually understand.)

If you'd like to see work samples, just give me a shout.